Tangle -- Stacks for output

This struck me as a strange choice when I first encountered it: without saying how these data structures will be populated, we’re describing how they’ll produce the program? Basically describing Phase 2 before Phase 1? But now it makes sense and seems familiar, as the way DEK writes programs.

Go back to the visualization at the end of the previous, to refresh memory.

So in principle to output the entire program, this is what we’d need to do:

In other words, each “text”, starting with the one in text_link[0], has some “expandable” tokens and some “non-expandable” ones. By imagining that we replace each expandable token with its expansion, we want to ultimately output only non-expandable tokens.

In yet other words, if we view this as a tree with every “expandable” name having its equiv as its child / children, then in effect we want to perform an in-order traversal of this tree. The get_output procedure that is the centrepiece of this section amounts to a “next” iterator for this in-order traversal: calling it repeatedly gives the non-expandable tokens one-by-one.

At any given point of time, we are expanding the text for

This is our state, (n, m, r, b, e).

Here, “above” = “after” (i.e. greater indices in the array). And the way we avoid needing a separate stack for keeping track of parameters is this: When we encounter a macro (i.e. a macro call), we scan its parameter (argument) immediately (which occurs immediately after the macro call) and add it as a new text, with a new (dummy) name pointing to it. So, next, when actually expanding the definition of the macro, the last name always points to the parameter (argument) to the macro.

Read the following push_level(p) as: “start reading name p”.

Read this procedure pop_level(p) as: “end reading current replacement text”.

This get_output function is the heart of this section. Can read it as “get next non-macro token”, i.e. “get the next non-expandable token”.

As mentioned above, this is what get_output does:

The cases are:

Hmm, what about the a = 0? We’d return token 0. Can it even happen? I need to think about this.

Read “put a parameter on the parameter stack” as “look for an argument, scan it, append it to the texts array”.

Here, in “the next character must be a ‘(’”, read “character” as “token”. The “copy the parameter into tok_mem” means: (1) add a new text, (2) add a new name that points to it.

Note that in case of debug, we add a nonempty name (namely #) (which is correspondingly undone by pop_level), else the new name is an empty one, just pointing to the parameter.

The following is a really clever idea!

— i.e., to start writing out the parameter, treat it as an expansion of the last name. (Note: this is not the macro expansion! This is just a dummy-string → argument “expansion”.)

Why name_ptr + '77777 (assumes 16-bit 2s complement) instead of name_ptr - 1? Need to think about this.