
I have a PDF of 100 pages, which for best results needs to be viewed 2-up (that is, two pages, side by side) in a PDF viewer. I’d like to instead change the PDF itself, into being a 51-page PDF (with pages of different and uneven dimensions obviously) that contains Page 1, then Page 2–3 side-by-side, then Page 4–5, …, then Page 98–99, and finally Page 100.

Why do I want this? One reason is the work required to view pages side by side, in different PDF viewers:

  • In, go to View → Two Pages, or hit ⌘3.
  • In Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (yes that’s its name: from Adobe Acrobat Reader to Adobe Reader back to Adobe Acrobat Reader DC), go to View → Page Display → Two Page View, and also check View → Page Display → Show Cover Page in Two Page View.
  • In Google Chrome: give up; it doesn’t have that feature.

And of course it’s easier to send someone a PDF that will display properly by default, than to ask them to fiddle with their viewer settings.

Non-working(?) solutions

Along with a TeX distribution like TeX Live or MiKTeX, there is installed a binary called pdfnup which is supposed to be able to do this sort of thing. It is a wrapper around the LaTeX package pdfpages, which is also supposed to help with this sort of thing.

But after being unsuccessful getting the pdfpages package’s nup and fitpaper to work together properly (and openright in this case, but I couldn’t get them to work together regardless) — by which I mean that each combined side-by-side page should have dimensions exactly those of putting two of the original PDF’s pages next to each other — I looked for other options.

There are (at least) two packages that help with manipulating PDFs in Python. One is PyPDF2, which didn’t work for me for some reason I don’t remember now. (I think I had trouble even installing it.)

A working solution

The other is pdfrw (see GitHub repository) which even comes with an example ( that does almost exactly what I want. Lightly modified and simplified, here it is (put it in say):

import os
import sys
from pdfrw import PdfReader, PdfWriter, PageMerge

def side_by_side_page(page_left, page_right):
    result = PageMerge() + [page_left, page_right]
    result[1].x += result[0].w  # Start second page after width of first page.
    return result.render()

def make_booklet(filename):
    """First page, pairs of pages, last page."""
    ipages = PdfReader(filename).pages
    assert len(ipages) % 2 == 0, 'Change code below if number of pages is odd.'
    opages = []
    while len(ipages) >= 2:
        opages.append(side_by_side_page(ipages.pop(0), ipages.pop(0)))
    return opages

if __name__ == '__main__':
    infilename = sys.argv[1]
    outfilename = sys.argv[2]
    opages = make_booklet(infilename)

Run as

python3 in.pdf out.pdf

It worked!