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In the previous post (inspired by this post on the mAnasa-taraMgiNI blog), we considered the following procedure, which is said to be “a folk Hindu method that was known in South India”, and is also found in the “Vedic Mathematics” book:

Given a number $p > 1$ not divisible by $2$ or $5$, let $k$ be the smallest number such that $ 10k - 1$ is divisble by $p$. Then, given any positive integer $n$, repeatedly apply the following step:

  • Write $n$ as $n = 10b + a$ (i.e. let $a$ be the last digit of $n$ and $b$ everything but the last digit),
  • Replace $n$ with $n’ = b + ka$.

This procedure constitutes a divisibility test for $p$, but our interest this time is the procedure itself. We can form a directed graph with edges from $n$ to $n’$ for every $n$, and ask about this graph. That is, we can ask: what happens to a number $n$ as we repeatedly apply this step?

At the end of the previous post, I mentioned that:

  • When we look at numbers modulo $p$, this procedure is simply that of multiplying the number $n$ by $k = 10^{-1} \bmod p$ each time, so we can conclude many things about the graph from this.
  • When we look at the actual numbers (not modulo $p$), then this is not the case, the graphs have a richer structure that is harder to say things about, and pointed to the original post.

Soon after I posted it, Twitter user @raktagulikaa pointed out, using three nontrivial (to me) insights, that if we restrict our attention to the “eventual” behaviour of any number $n$ under this procedure — i.e. the directed cycle (possibly of size $1$, i.e. a single node) obtained by following outgoing edges starting from $n$ — then in fact it is possible to say a great deal using modular arithmetic, even though we’re looking at actual numbers (i.e. we’re working in $\mathbb{Z}$, not $(\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z})^\times$). The rest of this post reproduces the idea by @raktagulikaa (see linked Twitter thread above) that leads to an elegant answer.


Let $d = mp$ be be $9p$, $3p$, $7p$ or $p$ respectively, depending on whether $p$ ends with $1$, $3$, $7$ or $9$. Let $n \equiv_{d} r$ where $1 \le r \le d$, i.e. let $r$ be the remainder when $n$ is divided by $d$ (except that we replace $0$ with $d$). Then, the eventual behaviour (cycle) of $n$, under the procedure described above, is the same as that of $r$.


The first insight is that $k$, which we said is the smallest number such that $10k \equiv_p 1$, can actually be determined directly from the value of $ p$ modulo $10$, and does not require “searching” to find. In detail: Write $p$ as $10q + r$, where $r$ is the remainder when $p$ is divided by $10$ (in other words, $r$ is the “last digit” of $p$ in decimal notation). As we said that $p$ is not divisible by $2$ or $5$, $r$ must be one of $1$, $3$, $7$, $9$. Now, what we want is to find $k$ such that $10k - 1$ is a multiple of $p$, say $mp$. Well, $mp = m(10q + r)$, so what we have is $10k - 1 = m(10q + r)$. If we look at this modulo $10$ (not modulo $p$!), we see that $-1 \equiv_{10} mr$ (or in simpler words: $mr$ must have last digit $9$), which means that if $r = 1, 3, 7, 9$ then $m \equiv_{10} 9, 3, 7, 1$ respectively. Conversely, if we pick $m$ this way and consider $k = (mp + 1)/10$, then clearly $10k - 1 = mp$ and our property is satisfied. To conclude:

  • If $p$ ends in $1$, then $m = 9$ and take $k = (9p + 1)/10$
  • If $p$ ends in $3$, then $m = 3$ and take $k = (3p + 1)/10$
  • If $p$ ends in $7$, then $m = 7$ and take $k = (7p + 1)/10$
  • If $p$ ends in $9$, then $m = 1$ and take $k = (p + 1)/10$

In all cases, note that $k \le p$ as expected.

The second insight is about the size of the numbers for which we see the “eventual” behaviour. Note that when $n$ is large (e.g. when it has many more digits than $k$), if we go from $n = 10b + a$ to $n’ = b + ka$, then we’re removing the rightmost digit from $n$ and adding $k$ times a single-digit number, so the resulting number $n’$ is smaller. When does this happen, i.e. when is $b + ka \lt 10b + a$? This is equivalent to $10b + 10ka < 100b + 10a$ or $10ka < 90b + 10a$ which is the same as $(mp+1)a < 90b + 10a$ which is the same as $mpa < 9(10b + a)$ or $n > mpa/9$.

As the largest possible value of $a$ is $9$, this means that when $n$ is larger than $mp$, then $n$ necessarily gets smaller. Therefore, starting at any number $n$, we will eventually hit a number that is at most $mp$. (Then it could become larger again, but not more than the $mp$ limit: if $10b + a \le mp$, then $10b + 10ka = 10b + (mp + 1)a = (10b + a) + mpa \le mp(a + 1) \le 10mp$, so $b + ka \le mp$.)

The third insight is that we can “lift” the multiplication by $k$ modulo $p$ to a multiplication modulo a higher multiple of $p$. Specifically, let’s say that going from $n = 10b + a$ to $n’ = b + ka$ is a multiplication by $k$ not only modulo $p$ but also modulo some number $d$, i.e. $n’ \equiv_d kn$. This means that $d$ divides $kn - n’ = k(10b + a) - (b + ka) = (10k-1)b$, whatever the value of $b$, so it must divide $(10k-1) = mp$. We could take $d = mp$ itself.

Putting all this together, we can conclude the following:

  • Let $d$ be $9p$, $3p$, $7p$ or $p$ respectively, depending on whether $p$ ends with $1$, $3$, $7$ or $9$.
  • The operation from going from $n = 10b + a$ to $n’ = b + ka$ is in fact a multiplication by $k$ modulo $d$.
  • Eventually, this operation (on the integers) will result in a number that is between $1$ and $d$, inclusive — at this point, the operation (modulo $d$) woudl have reached the same number.
  • Therefore, given any number $n$, if $n \equiv_d r$ where $1 \le r \le d$, then the eventual behaviour of $n$ is the same as that of $r$.

To make this even more precise, and to verify that our reasoning hasn’t led to any sloppy errors, let’s turn it into code.


Normally I like to just write free-standing functions, but in this case everything depends on a value $p$, so we’ll use a class constructed using a given value $p$, and write most functions inside that class.

Given a number $p$, we can define $k$ and the operation representing a single step of our iteration. Python code:

class P():
    def __init__(self, p):
        assert p % 2 != 0 and p % 5 != 0
        self.p = p
        self.m, self.k = self.find_k()

    def find_k(self):
        p = self.p
        # Slow method: try all k until 10k = 1 (mod p)
        ans1 = min(k for k in range(p) if (10 * k - 1) % p == 0)
        # Fast method: use the last digit of p
        m = {1: 9, 3: 3, 7: 7, 9: 1}[p % 10]
        assert (m * p + 1) % 10 == 0
        ans2 = (m * p + 1) // 10
        assert ans1 == ans2
        return m, ans2
    def step(self, n):
        """Given n = 10b + a, return n' = b + ka."""
        a = n % 10
        b = (n - a) // 10
        assert n == 10 * b + a
        return b + self.k * a

To find the eventual behaviour under iteration of a function (like the step above) that is known to eventually end up in a loop (possibly of length $1$), there is an elegant idea that uses constant memory and dates back to Floyd; known as “tortoise and hare” among other names. But for working with small primes, we won’t bother with that:

def find_cycle(a, f):
    """Records the evolution of `a` under repeated application of `f`,
    as a "tail" part and a "cycle" part."""
    x = a 
    seen = set()
    while x not in seen:
        x = f(x)
    # x has been seen more than once, so it's part of a cycle
    # First get the part before x
    t = a
    tail = []
    while t != x:
        t = f(t)
    # Now we want 'cycle' to be [x, f(x), f(f(x))....,]
    y = f(x)
    cycle = [x]
    while y != x:
        y = f(y)
    return tail, cycle

We can use this function to extend our class from earlier:

    def print_evolution(self, n):
        tail, cycle = find_cycle(n, self.step)
        print("For p=%d (k=%d), evolution of %d: " % (self.p, self.k, n))
        print(' '.join(str(n) for n in tail), cycle)

We can verify this with a few cases, in an interactive Python shell (compare against Figure 2 and Figure 3 in the original post):

>>> P(13).print_evolution(199)                                                                                                                                                                                                       
For p=13 (k=4), evolution of 199: 		199 55 [25, 22, 10, 1, 4, 16]

>>> P(13).print_evolution(167)                                                                                                                                                                                                       
For p=13 (k=4), evolution of 167: 		167 44 [20, 2, 8, 32, 11, 5]

>>> P(13).print_evolution(158)                                                                                                                                                                                                       
For p=13 (k=4), evolution of 158: 		158 47 [32, 11, 5, 20, 2, 8]

>>> P(13).print_evolution(119)                                                                                                                                                                                                       
For p=13 (k=4), evolution of 119: 		119 47 [32, 11, 5, 20, 2, 8]

>>> P(13).print_evolution(198)                                                                                                                                                                                                       
For p=13 (k=4), evolution of 198: 		198 51 [9, 36, 27, 30, 3, 12]

>>> P(13).print_evolution(143)                                                                                                                                                                                                       
For p=13 (k=4), evolution of 143: 		143 [26]

>>> P(13).print_evolution(169)                                                                                                                                                                                                       
For p=13 (k=4), evolution of 169: 		169 52 [13]

>>> P(7).print_evolution(158)                                                                                                                                                                                                        
For p=7 (k=5), evolution of 158: 		158 55 [30, 3, 15, 26, 32, 13, 16, 31, 8, 40, 4, 20, 2, 10, 1, 5, 25, 27, 37, 38, 43, 19, 46, 34, 23, 17, 36, 33, 18, 41, 9, 45, 29, 47, 39, 48, 44, 24, 22, 12, 11, 6]

>>> P(7).print_evolution(119)                                                                                                                                                                                                       
For p=7 (k=5), evolution of 119: 		119 56 [35, 28, 42, 14, 21, 7]

>>> P(7).print_evolution(196)                                                                                                                                                                                                       
For p=7 (k=5), evolution of 196: 		196 [49]

(Note there is a minor difference relative to the original post, in what we do with after reaching $p$: applying the rule again, with $k=5$, gives $35$ which eventually cycles back to $7$; while in the original post one stays at $7$ after reaching $7$. The latter makes sense as a divisibilty rule; the former makes sense as the mechanical application of the procedure.)

To avoid confusion caused by printing the same cycle in different ways (consider, for $p=13$, the cases of $n = 167$ and $n = 158$ above, where we printed the same cycle once as [20, 2, 8, 32, 11, 5] and once as [32, 11, 5, 20, 2, 8]), we’d like to print the cycle in a canonical form (considering cyclic shifts), say ending with the least element:

def end_with_min(xs):
    """Cyclic shift of list xs, to end with its smallest element."""
    x = min(xs)
    i = xs.index(x)
    return xs[i + 1:] + xs[:i + 1]

Now let’s write down the main theorem from this post, that we can get the eventual cycle without computing all the initial terms:

    def eventual_cycle(self, n):
        if n == 0: return [0]
        d = self.m * self.p
        # Replace n with its representative mod d
        n = n % d
        if n == 0: n = d
        # Iterate starting at n
        # We want `cycle` to be [n, f(n), f(f(n)), ...]
        cycle = [n]
        y = self.step(n)
        while y != n:
            y = self.step(y)
        return end_with_min(cycle)    

To verify whether this is correct, we can compare the results of the two methods:

    def verify(self, n):
        tail, cycle = find_cycle(n, self.step)
        print("Verifying p=%d (k=%d), n=%d: " % (self.p, self.k, n), end=" ")
        print(' '.join(str(n) for n in tail), cycle)
        slow = end_with_min(cycle); print("Cycle (slow): ", slow)
        fast = self.eventual_cycle(n); print("Cycle (fast): ", fast)
        return slow == fast

We can hack up a function to verify a dozen random $30$-digit numbers $n$ for a given $p$:

def verify_p(p, num=12, exhaustive=False):
    import random
    c = P(p)
    if exhaustive:
        # Verify all nonzero numbers up to 10*p
        for n in range(1, 10*p + 1):
            assert c.verify(n)
    for attempt in range(num):
        n = int(''.join(random.choice('0123456789') for _ in range(30)))
        assert c.verify(n)

And a function to pick a few random $4$-digit numbers $p$ to verify:

def verify_many():
    import random
    for _ in range(100):
        q = int(''.join(random.choice('0123456789') for _ in range(3)))
        r = random.choice([1, 3, 7, 9])
        verify_p(10 * q + r)

Putting all this together (verify numbers up to $100$ exhaustively, then a random hundred $4$-digit numbers with a dozen random samples each):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for p in range(3, 100):
        if p % 2 == 0 or p % 5 == 0: continue
        verify_p(p, exhaustive=True)

(All these snippets are collected together as a single file in “appendix” below; when run as python3 it runs for some 10 seconds.) Here is an example block of output from the program:

Verifying p=17 (k=12), n=544158072165504802875697337734:  544158072165504802875697337734 54415807216550480287569733821 5441580721655048028756973394 544158072165504802875697387 54415807216550480287569822 5441580721655048028757006 544158072165504802875772 54415807216550480287601 5441580721655048028772 544158072165504802901 54415807216550480302 5441580721655048054 544158072165504853 54415807216550521 5441580721655064 544158072165554 54415807216603 5441580721696 544158072241 54415807236 5441580795 544158139 54415921 5441604 544208 54516 5523 588 154 [63, 42, 28, 98, 105, 70, 7, 84, 56, 77, 91, 21, 14, 49, 112, 35]
Cycle (slow):  [84, 56, 77, 91, 21, 14, 49, 112, 35, 63, 42, 28, 98, 105, 70, 7]
Cycle (fast):  [84, 56, 77, 91, 21, 14, 49, 112, 35, 63, 42, 28, 98, 105, 70, 7]

What this example shows is that for $p = 17$, applying the rule starting with the $30$-digit number $n = 544158072165504802875697337734$ eventually results in a cycle of length $16$, and we can find this cycle directly as the cycle containing $98$ (as $n \equiv_{119} 98$), without having to carry out all the computation.

Further conclusions

Now that the code gives us additional confidence that our theorem is indeed correct, let’s state what else we can say about the eventual behaviour (cycle) of $n$.

Note that modulo $d = mp$, the number we’re multiplying by, namely $k = (mp + 1)/10$, is such that $10k = (mp + 1) \equiv_{mp} 1$ as well. So the multiplicative order (call it $r$) of $k$ modulo $d$ is the same as the multiplicative order of $10$ modulo $d$. (In other words: $k \equiv_d 10^{-1}$ so multiplying by $k$ is the same as dividing by $10$, and that’s what we’re doing each time.)

Suppose we start with a number $n$. Then, modulo $d$, we cycle through $n, kn, k^2n, \dots$, until something repeats.

Let’s say the repetitions are for $k^an \equiv_d k^bn$, where $0 \le a < b$. This means that $d$ divides $k^bn - k^an = k^a(k^{b-a}n - n)$, so $d$ must divide $k^{b-a}n - n$ (as $k$ is relatively prime to $d$). That is, the first element that repeats is already the one we started with — we can assume that $a = 0$.

Further, $d$ dividing $k^{b}n - n = (k^b - 1)n$ means that $\frac{d}{\gcd(n, d)}$ divides $(k^b - 1) \frac{n}{\gcd(n ,d)}$, and in fact its first factor (as it’s relatively prime to the second). The first time this happens is for $b$ being the multiplicative order of $k$ (and remember, therefore of $10$) modulo $\frac{d}{\gcd(n, d)}$.

Conclusion: the eventual behaviour of $n$ is that it falls into a cycle whose length is the multiplicative order of $10$ modulo $\frac{mp}{\gcd(n, mp)}$, where $m$ is $9$, $3$, $7$ or $1$ depending on whether the last digit of $p$ is $1$, $3$, $7$ or $9$ respectively.

For example, for prime $p > 7$ ending in $7$ (and therefore $m=7$), the cases are:

  • if $n$ is divisible by both $p$ and $7$, then it falls into a cycle of length $1$ (namely $[7p]$)
  • if $n$ is divisble by $p$ but not $7$, then it falls into a cycle of length $6$ (namely, the one containing $p, 2p \dots, 6p$ in some order)
  • if $n$ is divisible by $7$ but not $p$, then it falls into a cycle of length the order of $10$ modulo $p$
  • if $n$ is divisible by neither $p$ nor $7$, then it falls into a cycle of length the order of $10$ modulo $7p$.

And we can make similar tables extending to other final digits of $p$, small $p$, non-prime $p$, etc.

This explains why, for example, for $p=17$, we see that $n=6$ falls into a cycle of length $48$ (which is the order of $10$ modulo $7 \times 17 = 119$), while $n = 7$ falls into a cycle of length $16$ (which is the order of $10$ modulo $17$).


Just repeating the code that is scattered across multiple snippets above, into a single file. The only change is that I moved import random to the top of the file.

import random

def find_cycle(a, f):
    """Records the evolution of `a` under repeated application of `f`,
    as a "tail" part and a "cycle" part."""
    x = a 
    seen = set()
    while x not in seen:
        x = f(x)
    # x has been seen more than once, so it's part of a cycle
    # First get the part before x
    t = a
    tail = []
    while t != x:
        t = f(t)
    # Now we want 'cycle' to be [x, f(x), f(f(x))....,]
    y = f(x)
    cycle = [x]
    while y != x:
        y = f(y)
    return tail, cycle

def end_with_min(xs):
    """Cyclic shift of list xs, to end with its smallest element."""
    x = min(xs)
    i = xs.index(x)
    return xs[i + 1:] + xs[:i + 1]

class P():
    def __init__(self, p):
        assert p % 2 != 0 and p % 5 != 0
        self.p = p
        self.m, self.k = self.find_k()

    def find_k(self):
        p = self.p
        # Slow method: try all k until 10k = 1 (mod p)
        ans1 = min(k for k in range(p) if (10 * k - 1) % p == 0)
        # Fast method: use the last digit of p
        m = {1: 9, 3: 3, 7: 7, 9: 1}[p % 10]
        assert (m * p + 1) % 10 == 0
        ans2 = (m * p + 1) // 10
        assert ans1 == ans2, (self.p, m, ans1, ans2)
        return m, ans2
    def step(self, n):
        """Given n = 10b + a, return n' = b + ka."""
        a = n % 10
        b = (n - a) // 10
        assert n == 10 * b + a
        return b + self.k * a

    def print_evolution(self, n):
        tail, cycle = find_cycle(n, self.step)
        print("For p=%d (k=%d), evolution of %d: " % (self.p, self.k, n))
        print(' '.join(str(n) for n in tail), cycle)

    def eventual_cycle(self, n):
        if n == 0: return [0]
        d = self.m * self.p
        # Replace n with its representative mod d
        n = n % d
        if n == 0: n = d
        # Iterate starting at n
        # We want `cycle` to be [n, f(n), f(f(n)), ...]
        cycle = [n]
        y = self.step(n)
        while y != n:
            y = self.step(y)
        return end_with_min(cycle)    

    def verify(self, n):
        tail, cycle = find_cycle(n, self.step)
        print("Verifying p=%d (k=%d), n=%d: " % (self.p, self.k, n), end=" ")
        print(' '.join(str(n) for n in tail), cycle)
        slow = end_with_min(cycle); print("Cycle (slow): ", slow)
        fast = self.eventual_cycle(n); print("Cycle (fast): ", fast)
        return slow == fast

def verify_p(p, num=12, exhaustive=False):
    c = P(p)
    if exhaustive:
        # Verify all nonzero numbers up to 10*p
        for n in range(1, 10*p + 1):
            assert c.verify(n)
    for attempt in range(num):
        n = int(''.join(random.choice('0123456789') for _ in range(30)))
        assert c.verify(n)

def verify_many():
    for _ in range(100):
        q = int(''.join(random.choice('0123456789') for _ in range(3)))
        r = random.choice([1, 3, 7, 9])
        verify_p(10 * q + r)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for p in range(3, 100):
        if p % 2 == 0 or p % 5 == 0: continue
        verify_p(p, exhaustive=True)